A sweet German film that tells the story of a teenage Trans Male (Female to Male) and his transition to his gender identity. As a result of intolerance, he is placed in the girls dorm and develops relationships with boys. He falls for the bad ass gay boy and the story evolves round the exposure of his birth gender.
This film shows two issues for the transgender community. First, the extent of discrimination and lack of knowledge that exists from the non-trans community - straight, gay, lesbian and bi. The film manages to do it in a non dramatic or preaching way which make it a less issue driven film.
The second is the differentiation of trans issues from sexual orientation. The fact that the lead character fancies men and there are no questions of whether he had made a mistake is very clever. Although we do have the LGBT community, I always feel the trans strand is slightly misplaced. I understand the trans community has been included for solidarity but the grouping always marginalises them. I think the LGB can be supportive while separate and there is a wide section of LGB people who are ignorant towards trans issues.
Overall a thoughtful and clever film.